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Portals Projects - Go Out!

Welcome to Portals Projects! Each week we share projects that foster community building, creative thinking, problem-solving and character development. Invite your student(s) to pick a project that interests them to work on for a day or a week. Encourage them to share their plans, products or performances with the Portals community so we can all celebrate and grow together.

Week 23 - Heart for Missions

Matthew 28: 19-20  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Missionary Ministry Music Video

Find a missionary ministry that you would like to support by spreading the word to others by making a music video about it or taking a popular song and writing a parody of it that shares the Gospel. 

My Mission

Brainstorm a ministry of your own that uses your strengths and interests to help people and create a presentation that describes how it would reach people and includes a logo and mission statement.

Missionary Vehicle

Challenge: Design and build a vehicle that would allow you to reach a people group that has not heard the gospel and create a performance where the vehicle helps you share the Good news.

To Go or Not to Go

We’re told to share the Gospel with all nations and sometimes that means going to another place but with so many people from other nations coming here, sometimes it means just going next door.  Can you plan a mission trip that would take me to an unreached people group in another part of the world and one that I could do right here in the United States? 

Signs and Symbols

Imagine you are an explorer and you have discovered a new land. You are finally able to communicate your mission to the native you are staying with. They indicate that you must speak with someone else and teach you the physical signs/symbols that will help you locate this person.  Draw 3 signs or symbols that indicate direction or location. It can be as realistic or fantastical as you want.

Submit  your project

Email your pictures, videos, links to Portals Hub Support. Please call or email hub support if you need help submitting.

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