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Health and Nutrition Course

Health and Nutrition Course


Level: Middle and High School Students

Lessons: 144

  • Description

    This two semester sequence covers human health, nutrition and living life fully. The course covers mental health, cognition, interpersonal skills, physical health, diets, exercise, disease prevention, spiritual health, and sexual education. Supplemental resources and enrichment activities are integrated by Portals. Grading for this course is based on the daily experiments, chapter questions, and projects throughout the course.

    This is offered as a stand alone course for those seeking another option to meet state and national standards. Individual states outside of Minnesota may have particular elements that the teacher would need to add to meet local state requirements.  


    Text: Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition, 2nd Edition, Dr. Laura Chase


    Module 1 - INTRO

    • Health, Genetics, Temperament, Health Professions

    Module 2 - THOUGHTS

    • Mental Health Science, Nervous System, Brain, Endocrine System, Mental Illnesses, Prayer, Reality and Virtual Reality, Transhumanism

    Module 3 - STABILITY

    • Neural Science, Reason, Clear Thinking, Facts vs. Fictions, Decision Making, Routines, Attention and Distraction, Autism Spectrum, Emotional Health, Communicating Emotions, Self-Control

    Module 4 - INTERPERSONAL

    • Culture and Gender, Gender Roles, Family, Media, Socialization and Indoctrination, Communication Skills, Healthy Identity Formation, Healthy Relationships, Healthy Friendships, Church Life

    Module 5 - SENSES

    • Optical Health, Auditory Health, Touch, Temperature, Taste, and Olfactory Health, Electrical Health, Worship and Praise

    Module 6 - NOURISHMENT

    • Digestion, Oral Health, Digestive System, Hydration, Spiritual Nourishment, Bible Study


    • Metabolism, Diet, Carbohydrates, Glucose, Fats, Proteins


    • Vitamins, Minerals, Diet Balance, Packaging Details, Food Storage, Preservatives, Additives, MSGs, Sugar, Fasting

    Module 9 - DIET PLANNING

    • Calories, Balance, Nutritional Balance, Making Dietary Changes, Feasting

    Module 10 - OXYGEN

    • Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, Blood, Heart Health, Circulation Issues, Cardiorhythm Issues, CPR and AED Instruction, Vaping

    Module 11 - MOVEMENT

    • Bones, Skull, Spine, Joints, Tendons, Ligaments, Muscles, Skeletal, Joint, and Muscle Issues


    • Physical Fitness, Strength, Training Exercises, Aerobic Exercise, Stretching, Bible Memorization

    Module 13 - INFECTION

    • Skin, Mucous, Immunity System, Lymphatic System, Adaptive Immunity, Immunization Choices, Shunning Sin 

    Module 14 - MANAGING LIFE 

    • Rest/Peace, Joy, Contentment/Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Love, Forgiveness, Peacemaking

    Module 15 - REPRODUCTION

    • Sexual Reproduction, Male Systems, Female Systems, Arousal, Marriage, Fertilization, Embryology, Pregnancy, Birth, Infant Nourishment, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Abstinence, Sexual Abuse/Violence and “Erin’s Law”
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